Each parent wants the best for their child. The challenge is that it’s not always clear how to get there! At Base Gracie Jiu-Jitsu we see ourselves as another building block in helping children learn and grow so they can become confident adults, taking responsibility for their own lives and getting what they want out of life, whilst contributing to the common good.
Here are just a few ways Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes can help shape your child into a high-functioning adult.


Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is hands on interaction in 3 dimensions involving learning very specific movements requiring a great deal of focus. This helps develop their coordination, hone their balance and increase their strength. We don’t teach “flashy” movements; your child will learn real-world applicable techniques.

Situational Awareness

Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is a great way to teach children situational awareness. They learn to be aware of not only themselves and the physical space they occupy, but also to watch their surroundings. In this way it is a safe simulator where children can practice advocating for themselves in day-to-day life.


The skills your child learns in class don’t just stay on the mat. The discipline will spill over into other aspects of life like studying for school or learning a new skill. Children are taught how to respect the learning process and how to persevere through adversity.


Our instructors help your child become an expert in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu so they can use it appropriately and share their knowledge with others. This teaches every child that, with time and dedication, they can become an expert at something – even if it’s hard!

Lasting Friendships

BJJ requires you to work with a partner while sparring. This adds an element of socialization into each class that other martial arts styles do not have. One of our kids coined the term ‘cuddle fight’ to describe the sense of what it is like to grapple with your friends. When kids work together in this way they develop skill together and often find that they have more in common with their classmates than just a love of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It’s a fun, positive environment that fosters lasting friendships for many years to come.


Another incredibly important element unique to BJJ is the trust that is engendered from the rolling process – you have to trust that when you tap the other person will desist. It cannot be underestimated how powerful this is.


There are both short term goals, like mastering a new technique, and long-term goals, like working towards a new belt or making it to a competition. The act of working hard to achieve something holds inherent value that lasts a lifetime.


Of course, each child enrolled in our school will learn the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which is a form of self-defense. This is a useful skill for both children and adults. As you learn proper techniques, how to use BJJ safely, and identify or avoid potentially dangerous situations.

At Base Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, we help children build character. These lessons follow them into adulthood so they can lead safe and happy lives. Contact us today to learn more about classes or schedule a free introductory class for your child this week!